The New Reuse Economy: A World That Refills & Returns

The Global Reuse Summit, in partnership with Ecosurety, is back for a second year on Wednesday 12th of March 2025. It’s time to take reusable packaging to the mainstream and this [free] digital event brings people together to make it happen. It couldn’t be timelier; the burden single-use packaging places on people, planet and now profit is escalating. The world of refill and return offers an exciting global market opportunity and will protect the planet from the impacts of unnecessary single-use waste. Join us for critical conversations to power the transition and build confidence in the new reusable economy. It’s time to take reuse seriously.
Register for the live stream
From brands and businesses, to researchers, campaigners and activists – we heard from leaders in the space, with sessions covering all aspects of the refill and reuse, including global policy, packaging, business innovation, and localised system change. Register to get access to inspirational talks, provocative panels, in-depth workshops and more.
As a global movement, we have the power to create a wave of change and show the rest of the world that the solutions to plastic pollution and the climate crisis are there – and together we can keep our environment, ocean, and communities plastic-free for the future.
Headline Partners
The Global Reuse Summit is a City to Sea Campaign, in partnership with headline sponsors Ecosurety Ltd.
Supporting partners

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