Asking global policymakers to step up for reuse

This World Refill Day, we’re calling on policymakers to prioritise the transition from single-use to reuse, with an open letter 

The letter calls for a commitment to refill and reuse, asking political parties to set legally-binding, time-bound targets to accelerate the transition to reuse in support of a robust Global Plastics Treaty. 

We’d really appreciate your support by adding your organisation to the list of signatories – see below all the supporters who already signed!  

You can pledge your support by emailing us at [email protected]  with the words “On behalf of [INSERT ORGANISATION NAME) I support legally binding reuse targets”. You can also send us a quote that we would add to this page.  

Together, let’s #StepUpForReuse to make single-use plastic pollution a thing of the past.

The letter

Subject: Political parties must act now to prevent runaway levels of plastic pollution 

The world produces 141 million tonnes of plastic packaging a year and around a third leaks from collection systems, polluting the environment.  

Plastic’s impact on our planet isn’t going unnoticed. Over two-thirds of consumers agree brands should do more to offer reuse and refill and reduce packaging, with 71 percent saying they would view brands and retailers much more favourably if they took these vital steps.

Many reuse systems have taken place around the world with positive customer acceptance. From the food and drink on-the-go sector with borrow and return initiatives like Muuse in Hong Kong or Refill Return Cup in the UK, to refillable and reusable packaging in supermarkets by retailers like Carrefour in France or Kaufland in Germany, to brand-led initiatives like Ecover refill stations, industry is trying. 

However, legislative change is vital to create a level playing field for businesses to deliver reuse and refill at scale. 

Governments globally must implement legally binding reuse targets, supported by a complete ban on unnecessary single-use plastic packaging and full support for a robust Global Plastics Treaty.  

Cutting back on single use isn’t rocket science. Since launching, City to Sea’s Refill campaign has saved an estimated 43 million plastic bottles through simply connecting people with locations where they can refill their reuseable water bottles.  

The international community has proven that definitive action is possible; however, continued compromise with the plastics industry at successive Global Plastics Treaty negotiations leaves consumers and campaigners frustrated. 

Today is World Refill Day and we are surrounded by unnecessary single-use plastic.  

The signatories of this open letter are calling on governments globally to protect the planet from plastic pollution by setting legally-binding and time-bound targets to increase the amount of reusable packaging on the market.  

We urgently need to shift away from our single-use culture to a more sustainable, circular future, with reuse and refill at the centre.   

A reusable future is possible. But we need to act now. 


The Signatories

Ocean Bottle

“By moving away from today’s throwaway culture, we can break the cycle of disposable consumption and promote a more sustainable, circular economy. This shift is crucial for preserving natural resources, fostering social well-being, and ensuring long-term environmental health” – Thalia – Impact Lead.

Deborah Meaden

“Plastic bottles are bad news…for people and planet which is why it is so fantastic to see so many voices from across the world coming together to share the refill and reuse message.With small changes in how we consume we can make single use plastic a thing of the past so a day dedicated to looking forward to a cleaner, safer future could not be more appropriate.” Deborah Meaden – World Refill Day Ambassador


Kevin Mtai

“Every refill counts towards a cleaner, greener future. Let’s refill, not landfill.” Kevin Mtai – World Refill Day Ambassador

Jeremy Raguain

“On this Refill Day it’s vital to take stock of how far our efforts have gone to begin eliminating single use plastics […] Our elected representatives must listen to our voices and pass legislation informed by science and long-term economics. That means implementing legally binding reuse targets, a complete ban on unnecessary single-use plastic items and packaging as well as full support for a robust Global Plastics Treaty.” – Jeremy Raguain – WRD ambassador and Seychellois environmental activist.