YMGYRCH AIL-LENWI CYMRU YN EHANGU YNG NGHAERDYDD  View this page in English Rydym yn falch i allu cyhoeddi bod City To Sea wedi derbyn £49,999 gan Gynllun Cymunedau y Dreth Gwarediadau Tirlenwi (LDTCS), i helpu cwtogi llygredd plastig yng Nghaerdydd. Bydd y cyllid, a...
Refill UAE

Refill UAE

Refill UAE With a relatively small population of 9 million residents using a shocking 4 billion plastic water bottles a year, a lot of waste ends up in the country’s oceans and deserts where it poses a significant threat to turtles, camels, and other wildlife....

Refill Wales pledge – Welsh

GWNEWCH ADDEWID AIL-LENWI Fe wyddom fod pethau’n anodd allan yna ar hyn o bryd, ac rydym mor ddiolchgar am gefnogaeth busnesau lleol sydd wedi cofrestru ar gyfer yr Ap ‘Refill’. Os ydych chi eisiau bod yn rhan o’r Chwyldro Ail-lenwi ond ar gau am y tro neu’n ei...

Refill Wales pledge

Make a Refill Pledge We know things are difficult out there and we are so grateful for the support of local businesses who are signed up to the Refill App. If you want to be a part of the Refill Revolution but are currently closed or finding it difficult at the moment...