Reduce, reuse, refill, repeat

Reduce, reuse, refill, repeat

Get ready to Reduce, Reuse, Refill….and REPEAT!  We’re on a mission to make living with less plastic easier and we’re beyond excited to FINALLY be able to reveal that we’re taking the Refill campaign to the next level. From TODAY, you can now use the Refill app...

Local Refill Heroes – Welsh

Harwyr Busnes Lleol Gyda’r newyddion fod siopau’n gallu ailagor, roeddem eisiau manteisio ar y cyfle i ddathlu rhai o’r busnesau lleol GWYCH sydd wedi mynd tu hwnt i’r angen i wasanaethu eu cymuned yn ystod yr argyfwng hwn.   View this page in...
Local Refill Heroes in Wales

Local Refill Heroes in Wales

Local Refill heroes in Wales With the news that shops can reopen, we wanted to take the opportunity to celebrate some of the amazing local businesses who have gone above and beyond to serve their community during this crisis.   View this page in Welsh Showing our...
Nwyddau amldro Canllawiau COVID

Nwyddau amldro Canllawiau COVID

Nwyddau amldro + Canllawiau COVID View this page in English Newyddion da ar gyfer y Chwyldro Ail-lenwi Mis diwethaf fe ryddhawyd datganiad gan dros 100 o wyddonwyr yn cadarnhau nad yw plastig defnydd unigol yn ddim mwy diogel nag unrhyw ddeunydd arall a’i bod yn gwbl...
Tappy Hour

Tappy Hour

Friday 5 pm can only mean one thing… It’s time for Tappy Hour! You know how it is, you’ve had a long week, its Friday afternoon and all you can think of is pouring yourself a nice, long, chilled glass of…tap water!  Well, you’ve come to the right...