Get the latest on the Refill Campaign
The latest Refill-related news and tips from across the UK helping you live with less plastic.
Refill wrap-up 2019
The Refill wrap-up! And what a 2019 it has been for us and the Refill campaign. We've totally...
Celebrating our schemes in 2019
What a year we've had with our incredible Refill Schemes. Thanks to all our Schemes - Here are...
Refill Ramsbottom Fountain
The fountain comes from a collective of community organisations and businesses taking a combined approach to helping the area reduce single-use plastic.
Refill Wins Plastic-Free Award
We are honoured that last night, the Refill Campaign was awarded the ‘Reduce & Reuse Award’ at the prestigious Plastic Free Awards.
Sipple Hydration Stations
Sipple Hydration Stations appeal to everyone; reusable bottle-carrying tap water lovers, and bottled water drinking, fountain-fearers alike.
A Global Refill Day!
National Refill Day is going global in 2020 with International Refill Day. Raising awareness of refilling over single-use plastic.
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