It’s competition time
50 Fountains Challenge: Win a Fountain

Community action
In case you missed it, we have stepped up our game yet again to help the public quench their thirst the plastic-free way. So far, with over 26,000 restaurants, cafes and businesses, we are providing free tap water to the UK through our Refill campaign. And now, we have joined forces with our friends at food and farming charity Sustain to take on the high street once again. Together we are challenging communities to increase the accessibility of drinking water by installing 50 fountains across their local authority areas over the next 3 years!
Win one of two, water fountains…
To help wet your appetite for this initiative, Our partners MIW Water Cooler Experts have generously splashed the cash on two state of the art water fountains worth £5k each which could take pride of place in a town near you!
Mike Winter, MD of MIW Water Cooler Experts, explains why it’s important for communities and businesses to back the campaign. “Drinks bottles have been identified as one of the most common pieces of ocean plastic. They make up 10% of all Thames shoreline litter, and UK adults use around 150 bottles each, every year. Using refillable drinks bottles will not solve the plastic problem alone, but there’s no denying the impact it could make if we all got on board. But the infrastructure needs to be there to support that move.”

Mike Winter continues, “MIW Water Cooler Experts has been heavily involved in the refill revolution, we’re now proud to be kick-starting the #50FountainsChallenge with the donation of two drinking fountains. If other businesses and organisations follow suit, it could make such a positive difference to the environment.”
How to Enter
To be in with a chance of winning a drinking water fountain for your community, simply follow this link and register your drinking water fountain pledge here before the end of 2019. Once your pledge is complete, you’ll be entered in a prize draw and two winners will be picked at random to each receive an MIW Water Cooler Experts water fountain and maintenance package worth over £5,000. (T&C’s below)
You can also browse the range of MIW fountains here. Any fountain installed via the challenge will receive 5 years part warranty on the units, branded machines, free servicing for these machines for up to 18 months.
Everyone at City to Sea and Sustain want to thank MIW Water Cooler Experts for helping us to prevent plastic pollution at source

Please read the T&Cs below:
Any pledges made in the first 3 months will be entered into a prize draw, picked at random. The two winners will each receive an MIW Water Cooler Experts Water Fountain and maintenance package RRPing at over £5,000.
Competition winners arrange & pay for the installation & delivery. (MIW don’t fit outdoor units)
Winners to put either a daily or weekly cleaning schedule in place.
MIW – will service & sanitise the units for 18-months FOC, thereafter a 6-monthly service & sanitisation costs £89 (+ consumables if required) the recipient agrees to continuing to service/sanitise the unit for a minimum further 36-month term.
Delivery – £125 per unit, all prices are plus VAT.