Heathrow – water on the go
One of the key ways we’re working hard to reduce plastic pollution in the UK is to work with transport hubs across the UK to allow anyone commuting or travelling access to free tap water.
Keeping hydrated in the air
Heathrow has over 100 water fountains across the four terminals clearly sign-posted and located near toilets for anyone to fill up their water bottles. Passengers are encouraged to refill their water bottles free of charge and we’re working with Heathrow to make sure all these fountains can be found on our Refill app! Not only this, but we’re also engaging with their many cafes, restaurants and lounges to encourage them to be listed on the app and proudly showing the Refill sticker where possible.
The national scheme aims to fight the growing scourge of waste created by single-use plastic by preventing the use of tens of millions of plastic bottles every year, as well as increasing the availability of quality drinking water when they travel. Through our partnership, we will also help educate passengers about being able to take an empty bottle through security to fill up and improve signage within the terminals to encourage more people to refill.

Did you know?
If every passenger in Heathrow departures lounge refilled a bottle instead of buying a single-use plastic bottle, Heathrow could reduce its plastic bottle consumption by over 35 million bottles a year!

Making a flying start
The partnership with Heathrow is one of the most important ones, not only because they’re our first airport partner, but we’ll be taking the learnings from this partnership to help spread the word to show the benefits of other airports joining the refill revolution.
We’ll be monitoring the impact closely over the next year. And with their funding, we’re able to create toolkits and user guides for other airports across the UK.
They even showed their support of Refill Day, by promoting the Refill app throughout the terminals. This was our first ever digital advertising campaign and what a first!